The Greensborough Patriot

Aug. 7, 1862

Page 2


Vote of Cos. F and G, 46th Regiment.

            These companies from Randolph gave the following vote for members of the Legislature, &c., from that county: Company F, for Senator, Giles Mebane 11.  For Commons, Jonathan Worth 21, N. C. Jarrell 13, M. S. Robbins 4, W. H. H. Conner 1, Dr. Winslow 3, Simeon McMasters 1.  For Sheriff, J. W. Steed 24, Alfred Pike 2.  For Governor, Vance 29, Johnston 1.

            Company G, gave Vance 31, Johnston none.  For Commons, Robbins 25, Winslow 3.